This handy little device is a third generation concept that is designed to optimise the dermatological care in the areas of the face and décolleté.
It employs the effects of a 4,000 year old technique called cupping.
Cupping is used in medical treatments in order to improve blood flow in deeper connective tissue layers. This results in better provision with nutrients in those layers, and the improvement of the drainage of harmful substances, in order for the skin to regenerate.
In cases of muscle tension and metabolic dysfunctions this method can lead to considerable improvements.
A device employing this principle, called VakuLift, has been
developed in the nineties.
This first variant was quite popular in the area of TV shops for quite some time as well.
Long years of experience lead to a new generation of that device that came with its own patents.
The handiness and the design of the suction cup have been subject to considerable improvements and optimisations.
Trials and tests have resulted in the design of the suction cup to change drastically.
The special contour of the suction cup’s interior surface guarantees effectiveness of up to 10mm outside of the cup. That ensures a more balanced bloodflow throughout the lower layers of the connective tissue.
The effectiveness of this technique could be proven quite early on under the leadership of Doctor Kunze. In collaboration with the Fraunhofer-Institute in Halle, the effects could be visually documented.
Thanks to thermal imaging it was evident that, as the skin temperature was rising, the blood flow was increased significantly.
If you care for a regular application, you will be surprised at the quick improvements to the look of your face and décolleté. The tissue is lifted, and drained of harmful substances, the lymph flow is activated and the improved provision with oxygen enhances the look of your skin.
The massage effect during the cupping results in a deep and long term stretching that allows the tissue structures to strengthen.
Thermal imaging camera during the live presentation
Shallow grip moulds and guide grooves on the suction bellow guarantee ideal handling and perfect control over the vacuum.
The results of our development also have patents pending at the German Patent Office.
Results through measurement of wrinkle depth
In order to further improve the simple handling of the device, the massage oil has received some improvement work as well.
We now offer a natural massage oil, Karité Bio Lifting Massage Oil, made from natural, high quality and eco certified ingredients in accordance with an old, Moroccan recipe, that perfectly
complements the effects of the massaging device.
The increased blood flow and activity within the tissue allow the active ingredients of the massage oil to be absorbed better, which results in an immediately noticable improvement of your skin
How it works
Product information
Product: Anti-Aging-Vacuum-Styler with Bio-Lifting-Massage Oil 10ml
Product number: 711.213
EAN Code: 4260552110190